Dr. Alexandra Kantor, Founder & CEO of peri
Dr. Kantor is a practicing dentist in Colorado, having owned and built several successful dental offices over the years. Her dentistry approach? Treat each patient as a unique individual.

Historically, dentists have been trained to wait to treat gum disease and tooth decay after it already happens. This approach is fundamentally broken. Dr. Kantor knew there had to be a better, more proactive way to help her patients.
It was heartbreaking to have to tell patients that they would have to get all their teeth pulled from years of untreated gum disease. Or being told they needed numerous root canals and fillings from tooth decay that reached the nerve of their teeth. Dr. Kantor knew she could help change the paradigm if she could first identify the underlying source of the problem.
And so the idea for peri was born. Peri is all about helping patients become the heroes of their own health and future well-being. By measuring oral bacteria, peri can identify exactly what you’re dealing with and recommend actual products to help. Your mouth is unique to you, after all.
“Peri’s unique approach to oral health empowers every person to understand and care for their mouth in a new way.”

Indiana University,
School of Dentistry

McGill University,
Bachelor of Science

Top 40 Dentists
Under 40


Mom of 2